Sunday, May 16, 2010


If you ever visit my blog, you may have noticed that I've been doing a little remodeling lately.  Typically, when I start changing things it becomes somewhat of an obsession and continues indefinitely.  Beautiful things make me happy, but there is so much beauty out there that I can't seem to stick with anything I change.  Buttons and headers and backgrounds and colors and fonts and pictures- it's all a little overwhelming!  One reason I started a blog was because I had been enjoying so many others' blogs, but mostly because there were so many fun ways to create one!  Now that I've been blogging for a little while, I have come to appreciate having a place to put my memories in writing.  I always liked the idea of keeping a journal but could never be consistent with writing in one.  Thanks to all of the fun options blogging presents, I can enjoy keeping track of the exciting and average events alike that make up life. And if in sharing my enthusiasm for the things that make me happy is enjoyable to those who may read my thoughts, then it's not a complete waste of time!  Happy reading, fellow bloggers!

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